Get Involved

Interactive Online Map & Survey

Our survey is complete! Thank you to everyone who shared your safety challenges getting around within the Meadowlands District by walking, cycling, riding, or driving. Your feedback helps us to develop strategies to make roadways in the Meadowlands District safer for everyone.

Previous Events & Activities

Oktoberfest in South Hackensack: October 20th, 1pm

Hispanic Parade in North Bergen: October 6th, 12:30pm

Rutherford National Night Out: August 20th, 6pm-8pm

Kearny National Night Out: August 13, 6pm-8pm

Kearny Farmers Market: July 25, 2:30pm-5:30pm

MAP4S Contact Form

Use the comment form below to let us know about events in your community where we can share information on MAP4S and get input from the community!

Connect with NJSEA