The Meadowlands Action Plan For Safety (MAP4S) will be the first safety plan for the Hackensack Meadowlands District, which comprises portions of 14 municipalities within Hudson and Bergen Counties in northern New Jersey. Funded by a grant from the United States Department of Transportation’s (USDOT’s) Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) program, MAP4S will develop a comprehensive Safety Plan for the District to provide safe streets for all users.
About the Project
MAP4S is being developed to help constituent municipalities within the Meadowlands District:
Identify roadway safety concern areas
Delineate safety countermeasures to reduce severe crashes
Develop a tool to assess municipality's safety needs and improvement projects
Develop a post-evaluation framework to assess safety impacts of implemented safety projects
MAP4S production will involve compiling crash data, assessing crash contributing circumstances, determining crash causalities, and recommending proven, innovative, and high-impact/low-cost safety projects for each municipality within the District. As the New Jersey Sports & Exposition Authority (NJSEA) has a statutory obligation to mitigate adverse impacts of new development projects throughout the District, and hence, is leveraging this opportunity to analyze the impacts of land use development on safety and identify current and future safety needs in the District, particularly those related to the impacts of heavy truck traffic on vulnerable users of the roadway network in underserved communities. The recent exponential growth in e-commerce and the number of warehouses within the District has emphasized the need for safe multimodal connectivity and accessibility by District stakeholders. The District’s higher crash fatality rate than the State’s fatality rate is a testament to this need. By compiling input from public and private stakeholders, MAP4S will provide a robust plan for District municipalities to understand their safety needs and prioritize proposed safety projects for implementation to promote and establish the zero-fatality initiative in their towns.
Concurrent roadway safety planning efforts in the region, including the Hudson County Vision Zero Safety Action Plan and the Bergen County Local Safety Action Plan, will also be considered by MAP4S.
New Jersey Sports & Exposition Authority
Michael Baker International
Cambridge Systematics
Melissa Johnson Associates
Spring 2024: Develop public/community outreach plan
Summer 2024: Data collection and analysis, public/community outreach activities
Fall 2024: Public/community outreach activities (continued), roadway safety evaluation, identification of roadway safety treatments
Winter/Spring 2025: Development and prioritization of targeted roadway safety improvement projects, safety policy assessment and recommendations
Spring 2025: Development of Safety Assessment Tool (SAT), public hearing to present roadway safety recommendations
June/July 2025: Final Safety Action Plan, presentation to NJSEA Board of Commissioners for the final adoption of the MAP4S